
Author: Рахманов, Саид Ибодуллаевич

Annotation: The article examines the coverage of the problems of the cotton and textile industry in the print media, the place of the analytical genre in this. In this process, attention is paid to issues such as the possibilities and specific features of traditional journalism, the requirements and characteristics of the analytical genre, and the topic is studied on the basis of materials published in the leading central newspapers of our country, “Khalq So'zi” and “Yangi Uzbekistan”. The coverage of the problems of the textile industry in printed publications, the approach to the problem, the coverage of the topic, the specific aspects of the materials, the author's skill, achievements and shortcomings were analyzed on the basis of a group of materials. In the current information age, the place of analytical genres, the effective use of the article genre in expanding the newspaper audience was the focus of attention. The relevance of this article lies in the fact that it examines the problems of economic journalism, which are relatively poorly studied, through print media. The issues of ensuring the diversity of genres in newspapers and magazines, in particular, the use of types of analytical genres in their place, have been studied, and well-grounded proposals and recommendations have been made, which indicates its scientific novelty. Of course, their implementation in practice will serve to further expand the audience of the print media and increase their impact.

Keywords: print media; newspaper; analytical journalism; analytical genre; textiles; article; title; text.

Pages in journal: 282 - 297
