Vohidov, A. A. O. G. L. (2021). EDVARD SHEFERNING «SAMARQAND OLTIN SHAFTOLILARI» MARKAZIY OSIYO XALQLARI VA XITOYNING O’ZARO MUNOSABATLARI HAQIDA. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 580-586.

Author: Vohidov, Alisher Avazbek o‘g‘li

Annotation: The article examines the relationship between the peoples of Central Asia and China in the book "Golden Peaches of Samarkand" by Edward Hetsel Schafer. Through this book, we have devoted the article to the study of the trade, livestock, culture, and human needs of the peoples of Central Asia in China during the Tang Dynasty. According to Sinologist and orientalist Edward Hetsel Schaefer, in the Middle Ages, despite the Chinese's dislike of the peoples of Central Asia, their culture was considered exotic. The article focuses on the medieval cities of Samarkand, Tokharistan, Tashkent and Kesh. The relationship of the Tan dynasty with the Turkic, Uyghur, and Tibetan peoples was also studied

Keywords: Edward Hetsel Schefer, "Golden Peaches of Samarkand", Central Asia, China, Relations, Tan Dynasty, Commodities, Livestock, Culture, People, Medieval, Exotic, Samarkand, Tokharistan, Tashkent, Kesh, Tibet, Turkic Peoples, Uyghurs.
