
Author: Choriyev, Urol

Annotation: While studying the history of China’s state system and its forming of social ideas, investigating and understanding reforms of Shan Yan’s period and its heritage play significant role. This article can be seen in the following steps: Shan Yan’s reforms play an important role on forming social-political and ideological processes in the history of China. For analyzing social-political and ideological processes in the period that includes from Shan Yan’s time till now it certainly demands to give special place to analyze Shan Yan’s reforms as well. Those reforms could serve as the basis for forming governing systems of China’s state system. This fact also demands to investigate Shan Yan’s period for studying China’s state system and its traditions of governing systems. Although not looking difficult period’s conflicts which community deserves strong faithfulness to their traditions, the reforms of Shan Yan could provide the norms of ethics and priority of law, so importance of studying his reforms raises more.

Keywords: Chinese history, Shan Yan, Shan Yan reforms

Pages in journal: 749 - 753
