
Author: Ғайбуллаев, Отабек Мухаммадиевич

Annotation: New Uzbekistan's views on the system of social relations are enriched with a unique philosophical worldview and envisages that the activities of the civil society go in harmony with the development strategy. The implementation of the moral values in the society with the reforms of national statehood in the administration is developing harmoniously with the goals and goals of the people in the ideas of civil society institutions. Philosophical thinking similar to the national mentality has emerged under the current conditions created for the citizens. The influence of civil society on the development of moral values is being manifested in parallel with the heritage of ancestors in accordance with national values and traditions. In people's psyche, the feeling of trust in the future has increased, and the superiority of people's interests in spiritual life has become an important process. In reality, the philosophical outlook based on social protection has stabilized, and the role of various educational institutions has been established consistently. The issue of strengthening devotion to moral values in the minds of the young generation in the society, educating a perfect person in all aspects has become the main criterion of civil society. Ethical scientific views were formed in every field, and nationalism was established as the aspirations of the people. As a result, the traditions of the Uzbek people, which have developed over the centuries, have been enriched and strengthened today's ideological views. This has created ample opportunities for the advancement of civil society while showing that morality is becoming a strong weapon in people's views of real life.

Keywords: human, civil society, social life, public interests, value, moral values, society, ideology, reality.

Pages in journal: 59 - 66
