
Author: Азамова, Мухаббат

Annotation: This article discusses the relevance of teaching humanitarian socially significant subjects in higher educational institutions. We are talking about the role of these subjects in educating young people in the spirit of patriotism and internationalism. Examples are given about the relevance of teaching social studies, the achievements and shortcomings of this area, creative and critical opinions on this matter, the need to teach social studies in higher educational institutions, as well as the importance of educating the younger generation at a high level. spirituality in the spirit of patriotism. Information is also provided on the indicators for achieving the goals planned for 2030, specified in the Uzbekistan-2030 strategy. Data is provided on measures aimed at improving the organizational and managerial activities of higher educational institutions, strengthening their material and technical support, enriching fundamental research with new directions, based on the requirements of the time.

Keywords: Creative, active, spiritual maturity, creative thinking, motivation, censorship, social, political, critical, managerial.

Pages in journal: 728 - 735
