Zufarov, M. R. O. G. L. (2021). XITOY YILNOMALARIDA MARKAZIY OSIYO XALQLARINING TURAR JOYLARI BILAN BOG ‘LIQ AN’ANALARI VA URF ODATLARI TAVSIFI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 729-734.

Author: Zufarov, Muhammadjon Ravshan o‘g‘li

Annotation: This article describes the customs associated with the construction of dwellings, one of the traditional farms of the peoples of Central Asia. The article also includes a brief commentary on “Shiji” [《史记》], “Han shu” [《汉书》] Hou Han shu [《后汉书》] “Tan shu” [唐书] and “Shiji” [《史记》] , “Han shu” [《汉书》] Hou Han shu [《后汉书》] “Tan shu” [唐书] customs and traditions of some cities and tribes of Central Asia home construction methods, place selection rituals in construction.

Keywords: “Shiji” [《shǐjì》], “Han shu” [《hànshū》] Hou Han shu [《hòu hànshū》] “Tan shu” [táng shū], Liu Mao Szay, N.Ya. Bichurin, K. Shoniyozov, A. Khojayev, traditions and customs related to housing
