Editorial board of scientific journal ORIENS
Dr. MINNIKULOV ISLOM UROL UGLI PHILOLOGICAL SCIENCES (Uzbekistan-Tashkent) - Doctor of Philosophy in Philology. Lecturer at the Department of English Language Teaching Methods №1, Uzbek State University of World Languages.
Dr. KHAYRIDDINOV AZAMAT BOTIROVICH ECONOMIC SCIENCES Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Vice-Rector for Spiritual and Educational Affairs of the Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics
Dr. KHUSANOV CHORI KADIROVICH ECONOMIC SCIENCES Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Politics and Tourism of eastern countries of Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies
Dr. KHAMRAEVA SAYYORA NASIMOVNA ECONOMIC SCIENCES Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in economics Head of the department of Innovative Economics of Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics
Dr. ERMAMATOV SHONAZAR JUMAKULOVICH ECONOMIC SCIENCES Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor.Head of the department of Economics of Foreign Countries of Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies
PULATOV SHERDOR NEMATJONOVICH SCIENTIFIC SECRETARY Base doctoral student of the department of Oriental Philosophy and Culture of Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies