Editorial board of scientific journal ORIENS
Dr. IZZETOVA EMINE MUSTAFAYEVNA PHILOSOPHY SCIENCES Doctor of Philosophical Sciences Associate professor of the department of Oriental Philosophy and Culture of Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies
Prof. Dr. KHOLMUMINOV JAFAR MUHAMMADIEVICH PHILOSOPHY SCIENCES Doctor of Philosophical Sciences (DSc) Associate professor of the department of "Source Studies and Hermeneutics of Sufism" of Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies. Professor at the Antique World International Academy of Sciences
Prof. Dr. RUZMATOVA GULNOZ MIRAKHRAROVNA PHILOSOPHY SCIENCES Doctor of Philosophical Sciences Professor of the department of Philosophy and Logic of National University named after Mirzo Ulugbek
Prof. Dr. NISHANOVA OZODA DJALOLITDINOVNA PHILOSOPHY SCIENCES Doctor of Philosophical Sciences Professor of the department of Philosophy and Fundamentals of Spirituality of National University named after Mirzo Ulugbek
Prof. Dr. ABDULLAEVA NASIBA BURONOVNA PHILOSOPHY SCIENCES Doctor of Philosophical Sciences Professor of the department of Philosophy and Fundamentals of Spirituality of National University named after Mirzo Ulugbek
Dr. NAUMENKO OLEG ALEXANDROVICH PHILOSOPHY SCIENCES Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Associate Professor of the Department of Social Sciences and Technologies, National Research Technological University MISIS, Moscow, Russia