
Author: Fayzullayev, Adham Aktam o‘g‘li

Annotation: In the 1950s, the opposition Democratic Party came to power, and Adnan Menderes became Prime Minister. The democratic government conducted an active foreign and domestic policy. Turkey renounced its traditional neutrality and joined NATO and SENTO military blocs. The government implemented large-scale reforms for which the society was not ready, as a result of which an economic crisis occurred in the country, the most characteristic manifestation of which was high inflation. By trying to isolate the opposition, especially the leaders of the Republican People's Party, the democrats encouraged them to look for allies in the army, and the idea of a military coup on May 27, 1960 arose among the officers, who were dissatisfied with the situation in the country. As a result of the coup, the National Unity Committee, consisting of generals and leaders of the People's Party, came to power. In 1961, a referendum adopted a new constitution reforming the country's legislative power system, after which power returned to civilian political institutions. General Cemal Gursel, the military leader who carried out the coup, became the prime minister, and Ismet Inenyu became the president of Turkey. This article analyzes the causes and consequences of the military coup that took place in Turkey on May 27, 1960.

Keywords: The May 27 coup, the Democratic Party and the military, political changes.

Pages in journal: 668 - 677
