Abdujabarova, K. H. K. (2021). USE OF FICTION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS'SPEECH ACTIVITIES IN PRACTICAL CLASSES. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(8), 241-245.

Author: Abdujabarova, Kamola Husniddin kizi

Annotation: Written speech is constructed and developed on the basis of oral speech, which can be written or read independently or orally. The right hemisphere plays an important role in the developmental processes of oral speech through listening comprehension in childhood. The current view is that insufficient understanding and freedom in the early ges of a stufent’s speech formation depend, of course, on the active participation of the right hemisphere to form an act of speech. The leading role in the application of conscious and free formation of speech means belongs to the subdivisions of the cerebral hemisphere (usually the left) that dominate speech

Keywords: literary works,listening comprehension, speech exercises, language, lexical terms, phonetics, grammar exercises
