Абдукадирова, Д. Т., & Камалова, Н. Л. (2022). БОТУЛОТЕРАПИЯ ПРИ ЛЕЧЕНИИ ХРОНИЧЕСКОЙ МИГРЕНИ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(3), 115-118.

Author: Абдукадирова, Д.Т.; Камалова, Н.Л.

Annotation: Migraine is a special type of paroxysmal headache, which is an independent nosological form, more and more people suffer from migraine, the incidence of this disease is increasing (women experience migraine attacks 2 - 3 times more often than men, the age of migraine patients is younger (the peak incidence falls on the period from 25 to 34 years). Taking into account the clinical manifestations and complaints of the patient, in 2000 migraine was included in the list of diseases of global importance and representing a burden for humanity, due to both its widespread prevalence and significant impact on the patient's quality of life.

Keywords: chronic migraine, history, modern therapy, botox.
