Author: Davronova, Zarnigor Jabbor qizi
Annotation: Issues of onomastics have been relevant in every era. Uzbek nomenclature has a specific stage of development. Especially, the study of the development of anthroponyms at the beginning in the 20th century provides important scientific conclusions for Uzbek onomastics. The aim is to study the development of anthroponyms in the early 20th century, to consider their structural-semantic features, and to analyze them historically and etymologically. In the implementation of this goal, the tasks of describing the anthroponyms in the beginning of the 20th century, analyzing the anthroponyms in the prose works of Abdulla Avloni, carrying out a statistical, historical-etymological analysis, and structural study have been defined.
Keywords: Onomastics, anthroponym, structural-semantic features, historical-etymological analysis, structural study, scientific, nomenclature.
Pages in journal: 940 - 946