Abdullayeva, X. B. Q., Maxkamova, D. Y., & Isxoqova, S. M. (2021). BUXORO VILOYATI SUG'ORILADIGAN O'TLOQI ALLYUVIAL TUPROQLARINING UMUMIY FIZIK XOSSALARI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(11), 487-495.

Author: Abdullayeva, Xumora Boybori Qizi; Maxkamova, Dilafroz Yuldashevna; Isxoqova, Shoira Mirsodiqovna

Annotation: The article provides information about the mechanical composition, general physical properties of meadow alluvial soils common in the Bukhara region: specific and volumetric mass, porosity. The results of maximum hygroscopicity are also briefly given.

Keywords: erosion, salinization, elements, mass, volume, specific gravity, porosity, hygroscopicity, properties, composition
