
Author: Shodiev, Shahobiddin Sharofiddinovich

Annotation: It is well known that maqoms of Khorezm and Ferghana-Tashkent maqom melodies basically date back to Bukhara Shashmaqom. In connection with the systematization of the internal structure of Shashmaqom, attention is drawn to the division of maqom into genre and stylistic directions: instrumental (mushkilot), vocal-instrumental (nasr) and dance (ufar). Fitrat generically calls them butok (branch). It seems that in this concept, which, unfortunately, did not take root in subsequent scientific practice, in our opinion there is a great reason. In the Russian-language literature about Shashmaqom, these genre-stylistic trends within the maqom for some reason began to be called "sections". Whereas, in fact, the instrumental and vocal-instrumental spheres within the maqom are not in the relationship of a number of prescribed ones, but are presented as independent genre forms of one maqom as a common modal system. That is, poppy as a whole represents a single modal basis, and the forms of its melodic manifestation are different: instrumental, vocal-instrumental and dance. Each of the genre spheres, in turn, can be divided into sections and parts inside.

Keywords: maqoms, melody, music, tradition, national, mode, rhythm, genre, systematically, science.

Pages in journal: 1516 - 1524
