Abduraximov, B. U. O., Qudbiyev, N. T., & Mominov, I. L. O. (2021). AYLANMA MABLAG ‘LARNI BOSHQARISH TIJORAT KORXONASI MUVAFFAQIYATINING ASOSI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 724-733.

Author: Abduraximov, Boburjon Umarjon oʻgʻli; Qudbiyev, Nodir Tohirovich; Mominov, Ikromjon Luxmonjon oʻgʻli

Annotation: Working capital management as the basis for the success of a commercial enterprise, this problem is one of the most discussed in the framework of modern financial analysis and is based on the analysis of the "profitability-risk" ratio. The article discusses the concept of "working capital" at commercial enterprises, presents the process of their circulation in economic activity.

Keywords: Processes of management of current assets, working capital, management of accounts payable, profitability, analysis of working capital, control of working capital.
