Abduraxmanova, Z. Y. Q. (2021). QADIMGI XITOYDA SUD-HUQUQ SOHASI HUJJATLARINING SHAKLLANISHI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 470-477.

Author: Abduraxmanova, Zubayda Yuldash qizi

Annotation: This article analyzes the main ideas of the Zhou Dynasty in the 10th century BC, when Wang Mu developed a 3000-point criminal code - the Code of Punishment. The law deals with mitigating and aggravating circumstances and distinguishes between negligent and willful acts. It is possible that the law was a separate record of court decisions, in the first place, strengthened the norms of customary law.

Keywords: state of Zhou, legislation, Susong fadian, Wang Mu, Commentary on the Laws of the Wei Kingdom.
