Author: Akhmedova, Shoira; Mahmudova, Sofiya
Annotation: The article discusses the critical-biographical essay of the writer S.Ayni dedicated to Abu Ali ibn Sina and the image of the great encyclopedic scientist created in it. Many scientific, literary and artistic works have been written about the life and work of Abu Ali Ibn Sina, the founder of medical science, and his scientific heritage. In particular, a number of stories, short stories and novels dedicated to this encyclopedic scholar have been written and are being written in Uzbek literature. At the same time, it is possible to acknowledge that the critical-biographical essay, which gives full information about the life and work of the great scientist, was written by the great writer S. Ayni.
Keywords: essay, criticism, image, literary criticism, Shaykhur-rais, XX century, genres
Pages in journal: 795 - 799