Abu Zayd Abdurahmon ibn Xaldunning „Muqaddima“ asarida davlat tushunchasiga yondashuvlar talqini, 9-14

Author: Sulaymonov Jasur Baxtiyorovich

Annotation: This article analyzes the approaches to the concept of state in the “Muqaddima” by Abu Zayd Abdurahman ibn Khaldun (1334-1406), a well-known thinker of Arab-Muslim social thought. The thinker's attitude to the concept of the state is formed by studying the existing states and their history in the period of his activity. The article also analyzes the category of "nervousness" of Abu Zayd Abdurahman ibn Khaldun.

Keywords: State, "property", "asabiyya", kingdom, fanaticism, ruler, natural kingdom, political kingdom, intellectual government, philosophy, caliphate, history, elements, society, "Introduction".
