Achilova, N. N. (2021). AJDARHO OBRAZINING GENEZISI VA EVOLYUSIYASI TALQINLARI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 360-368.

Author: Achilova, Nurxon Normuhammedovna

Annotation: mythology, dragon, snake, syncretic figure, image of a wolf, mythology of Turkic, Chinese, Persian, European peoples.

Keywords: In this article, the genesis and evolution of the images of a snake and a dragon were studied and analyzed. In the course of the conducted scientific research, the original appearance of the image of the dragon, its shape and features in the mythology of different peoples were studied, the relationship of the snake and the dragon, as well as the dinosaurs and the dragon was also studied. In addition, the negative and positive descriptions of the image of the dragon among different peoples were studied, and the reasons for this phenomenon were determined.
