Akbaraliyeva, X. S. Q. (2021). “DEVONU LUG ‘ATIT TURK” ASARIDAGI SOMATIZM KOMPONENTLI MAQOLLARNING LINGVOMADANIY XUSUSIYATI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 335-340.

Author: Akbaraliyeva, Xurshida Shavkatjon qizi

Annotation: The article analyzes the role and linguocultural features of somatism component articles in modern linguistics. The main problem is the role of proverbs in the devolepment of modern Uzbek literary language and the growth of language norms. In the article, the somatisms in the proverbs are elaborated on the example of analogies of human life and the good and bad things that befall it based on the possibilities of language.

Keywords: somatism, expression, phraseology, phraseological units
