Ахмадалиева, Н. О., Саломова, Ф. И., Садуллаева, Х. А., Шарипова, С. А., & Хабибуллаев, С. Ш. (2021). ЗАБОЛЕВАЕМОСТЬ ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛЬСКОГО СОСТАВА ВУЗА ТЕХНИЧЕСКОГО ПРОФИЛЯ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 8

Author: Ахмадалиева, Нигора Одиловна; Саломова, Феруза Ибодуллаевна; Садуллаева, Хосият Абдурахманова; Шарипова, Сажида Ахметжановна; Хабибуллаев, Саидазиз Шохсуварович

Annotation: The study investigates the morbidity of the teaching staff (TS) with temporary disability (TD) of the Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov (TSTU). The morbidity of TS was studied in two groups of workers (main and control). The results of the study indicate that the incidence rate of women per 100 workers of the same sex is 1.4-2.6 times higher than that of men. A medical examination of the university teachers was carried out. When analyzing the results of a medical examination, attention is drawn to the great importance of such forms of diseases, for which some features of the working environment may be risk factors: constant pressure on the eyes, an unfavorable microclimate, working in a standing position, high neuropsychic stress and psychological burnout.

Keywords: temporary disability; health of university teachers, morbidity of teaching staff
