Akhmadjonov, O., Nishonqulov, S., Rajabboyev, B., Nazirov, A., & Meliboyev, A. (2021). ISLOM BANKI VA O'ZBEKISTON. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 766-775.

Author: Akhmadjonov, Oybek; Nishonqulov, Shohruhxon;; Rajabboyev, Botirjon; Nazirov, Ayubxon; Meliboyev, Asadbek

Annotation: This article discusses the proposals for the establishment of Islamic banks in the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the current need for banking sectors based on Islamic law and solutions to the problems of opening such banks in Uzbekistan

Keywords: ITB, consumer loans, portfolio of Islamic banks, XSRIK, compromise, usury, Islamic financial system, ICT, IRB.
