Акимниязова, Г. А. (2021). НЕКОТОРЫЕ СВЕДЕНИЯ О ВЗИМАНИИ ТОРГОВЫХ ПОШЛИН У КАРАКАЛПАКОВ В XIX-ПЕРВОЙ ЧЕТВЕРТИ XX ВВ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 2), 285-289.

Author: Акимниязова, Гулназ Абдинайимовна

Annotation: The article considers the system of taxation of trade duties that existed among the Karakalpaks in the second half of the XIX first quarter of the XX centuries. The main emphasis is placed on the collection of trade duties in two major trading cities of Karakalpaks Khojeyli and Kungrad. The types of taxes that existed for the studied period, information about their collection, persons engaged in tax collection, as well as the amount of tax are given.

Keywords: Karakalpaks, trade, tax, broker, zakat, fee, merchant.
