Alimova, R. R. (2021). XVI ASRNING IKKINCHI YARMIDA BUXORO XONLIGI BILAN ROSSIYA O ‘RTASIDAGI ELCHILIK ALOQALARI TARIXIDAN. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 2), 26-34.

Author: Alimova, Raxima Ruskulovna

Annotation: This article covers the history of embassy relations between the Bukhara Khanate and Russia, which began to take shape in the second half of the 16th century, based on local and Russian sources. It contains information about the embassy of Anthony Jenkinson in Bukhara in 1558-1559, the meeting of ambassadors from Bukhara and Khiva to Moscow in 1563-1564, and the embassy and other contacts in Bukhara in 1583 as an ambassador to Moscow. The 16th century local author, historian Hafiz Tanish al-Bukhari's work "Abdullanoma" ("King of Honor"), rich in information about the political, socio-economic and cultural life of Central Asia and Khorasan, and S.V.Jukovsky, St.Russov, The works of a number of Russian authors, such as N.Veselovsky, analyze the embassy relations between the Bukhara Khanate and Russia.

Keywords: Bukhara, Moscow, Anthony Jenkinson, Hafiz Tanish al-Bukhari, “Abdullanoma”, S.V. Zhukovsky, Russov, Ya.V. Khanikov, German, Zavyalov, N.I. Veselovsky, V. Ulyanisky, O’tamish Haji.
