
Author: Хайдарова, Феруза Алимовна: Зарединов, Дамир Арифович: Нурмухамедов, Дониёрбек Бахтиёрович: Омилжонов, Муроджон Нусратжонович

Annotation: Academic in this study yo.X.To according to the riiaetm named after raqulov, by 2010-2016, the determination and diagnosis of thyroid cancer incidence indicators were revealed. The data of the listed thyroid cancer patients in the RIIAETM archive data are checked and evaluated according to the data quality control criteria, the total final analysis of 435 cancer registered data is made. The data were stratified by region (province/City), gender and age, compared with population data to estimate thyroid comparable cancer, 2010-2016. In 2016, 53 patients were diagnosed with thyroid cancer, which was 12.7% of the total number of diseases in 2010-2016. The incidence rate was 4.6 / 100,000. According to RIIAETM, the standard population of Uzbekistan and the world standard population, the standardized incidence rate according to age was 4.6/100,000 and 10.4/100,000, which was 1.00% of the total incidence rate (0-74 years). Standardized age-related morbidity in women was significantly higher than in men (r <0.001). The incidence rate in urban areas was higher than in provincial areas (r <0.001). The incidence in the eastern regions of the Republic (r <0.001) was less than the incidence in the western regions (R <0.001). According to RIIAETM, if the course of thyroid cancer is not very severe, complications have occurred, which has been associated with the fact that diseases are not diagnosed in time and/or patients do not seek medical examination in time. Cancer control faced the problem of disparity between geographic areas, and the incidence rate varied with the gender and age of patients. It is necessary to develop plans for the implementation of targeted preventive measures against cancer in practice.

Keywords: cancer, disease, epidemiology, Uzbekistan.

Pages in journal: 84 - 94
