
Author: Bebitov, Maqsud Abdirasulovich; Abdullayeva, Mushtariy G’ofurjon qizi

Annotation: In March 1398, Amir Temur declared his jihad against India and took action. After conquering the Kabul region, he passed through the Punjab and Sind rivers, occupied the famous Batnir fort of India and reached Delhi. By December 1398, he had conquered all the rest of the Muslim north of India. Having destroyed the places where Buddhists and Hindus lived, he returned to Samarkand, the capital of his country, on April 29, 1399, with many elephants and booty. In this way, Amir Temur was able to achieve the desired victory in the Indian campaign, but soon after his death, the land of India left the empire of the Timurids. However, later Turkic rulers from Central Asia came to India and managed to settle. Thus, Muslim-Turkish rule continued for centuries in the north of India, and Amir Temur went down in history as the person who started this rule

Keywords: India, Batnir, Delhi, Ghazna, Amir Temur, Panipat, Syed Hizi Khan, Sultan Mahmut, Mallukhon, Punjab.

Pages in journal: 676 - 683
