Amirov, T. J., & Yusupaliyev, U. G. A. (2022). AVTOMOBIL YO ‘LLARINI QURISH VA REKONSTRUKSIYA QILISH ISHLARINI TASHKIL QILISHDA FIDIC METODIKASIDAN FOYDALANISHNING AFZALLIKLARI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2

Author: Amirov, Tursoat Jummayevich; Yusupaliyev, Umid G‘aniyevich

Annotation: The article describes the history of the International Federation of Engineering Consultants (FIDIC) and the standard contracts developed by the organization and their application in the construction of production facilities around the world, as well as social buildings and structures. In addition, the article analyzes the experience and advantages of using the FIDIC methodology in the construction and reconstruction of roads. This article develops clear practical and methodological recommendations based on the organization of construction and installation contracts in the field of roads on the basis of the FIDIC methodology with the help of local construction organizations.

Keywords: Roads, Engineer Consultant, FIDIC, size method, project estimate documentation, contract, tender application, consulting services market, public-private partnership, UzDST, AASHTO, red book.
