Author: Umurzaqova, Xosiyatxon Saydali qizi
Annotation: The article describes the history of the study of pomegranate pests in the conditions of Central Asia, including Uzbekistan. Studies show that pomegranate pests have been studied in different directions for more than a century. They can be divided into the following three stages: the initial study period of the entomofauna of Uzbekistan; The period of entomological research carried out in the second half of the 20th century and the period of development of entomological research in the years of Independence. Harmful species found in pomegranate groves have been studied in all periods. Nevertheless, the results of comprehensive research in individual regions are relatively limited. This, in turn, requires extensive research.
Keywords: pomegranate agrobiocenosis, phytophagus, pest, aphids, shields, entomophages, scientists, research periods.
Pages in journal: 312 - 320