Aralov, M. M., Berdiyev, D. F. O. G. L., Safarov, F. S., & Eshonqulov, R. B. O. (2022). TALABALARNING KARTOGRAFIK CHIZMACHILIK KOMPETENTLIGINI SHAKLLANTIRISH JARAYONINI BOSHQARISH. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

Author: Aralov, Muzaffar Muxammadiyevich; Berdiyev, Dilshod Faxriddin O’g’li; Safarov, Fayzali Samiqulovich; Eshonqulov, Ruslanbek Baxtiyor Ogli

Annotation: This scientific article describes the results of a study on the formation of cartographic competence of students, the definition of learning objectives, the definition of practical, educational, pedagogical and developmental patterns associated with the formation of cartographic competence, and the solution to each of them. These tasks are within the framework of the problem under study.

Keywords: Educational goal, practical, leadership goal, educational and developmental goals.
