
Author: Сувонова, Жумагул Рашидовна

Annotation: In classical poetry, there is a tradition of writing “Arbaeen” - hadiths and commenting on the hadiths in a language understandable to many people, explaining their meaning in detail. By the 15th century, this tradition in Turkic poetry was started by Hazrat Alisher Navoi. Having translated “Arbain” and “Chhil Hadith”, selected by Navoi’s teacher, the Persian-language poet Abdurahman Jami, into Turkic, he wrote quatrains for forty hadiths selected by Jami. These poems are not just translations, but appear as independent works created by Navoi. In this article we express that “Arbain” is the science of poetry, based on the Holy Quran and Hadith, relying on the monograph by Malokhat Pulatova “Traditions of writing “Arbain” in Eastern classical literature.”

Keywords: Arbain, hadith, adab, mumtoz, Koran, East, Turkish, Arabic, Persian, commentary, tradition.

Pages in journal: 204 - 214
