Author: Po‘latov, Sarvar Mustafoyevich; Qo‘chqorov, Abdukarim Nuriddinovich; Aminova, Shoira Furqat qizi
Annotation: The beekeeper must be prepared in advance to work with the bee family. The beekeeper has to prepare all the necessary equipment for the bees during the winter, a new frame, a canopy, a beehive and other tools. Otherwise, in the spring, when caring for the bee family, there may not be time to do the work. Particular attention should be paid to the placement of bee colonies in selected areas for bees. They should be arranged evenly, in a checkerboard pattern, and the numbers in the nest should be visible. Beehives should be protected from sunlight and have trees and structures to help bees fly.
Keywords: Bees, mother bees, bee family, hive, beehive, frame, beehive.
Pages in journal: 1170 - 1176