
Author: Haydarov, Maqsudbek Abduvohidovich; Aminova, Shoira Furqat qizi; Po‘latov, Sarvar Mustafoyevich; To‘raqulova, Shaxnoza Sarvar qizi; Muxiddinova, Nozima Faxriddin qizi,

Annotation: In the field of beekeeping, a number of necessary and special measures and measures are required from the beekeeper. In some cases, if the bees have any kind of disease, the necessary medicines can be added to their food. In general, 1 gram of titracycline is added to 4 liters of broth. Depending on the volume of honey in the hive, the drugs added increase or decrease. Also, supplementary feeding covers 6 months, and each of them takes into account certain distinguishing features and changes. In October, the weight of the bee migration and their nutrition in wet weather are checked, and in November, the strength of the family is evaluated and the hives are prepared for the winter.

Keywords: Bees, feed, cell, titracycline, death, reserve, temperature, family strength, hive.

Pages in journal: 1401 - 1406
