Asatulloev, А. A. (2021). ETHICAL VIEWS OF ABDURAHMON SAYOKH TASHKANDI (IN THE CLASSIFICATION OF WORKS MEYOR UL-AHLOQ). Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 880-885.

Author: Аbrorkhon, Asatulloev Asatulloevich,

Annotation: Restoration of the modern history and rich culture of our people over the years of independence, comprehensive study and popularization of the scientific, religious and spiritual heritage of our encyclopedists, great saints, improvement of shrines, education of the younger generation in the spirit of their noble traditions. A lot of work has been done and is consistently continuing. At the same time, the need to increase the effectiveness of reforms in the field of spirituality and education requires a qualitatively new level of work in this area. He also expanded and deepened the study of the works of Jadids and educators from the Central Asian region of the 19th-20th centuries in the exact, natural, humanitarian and Islamic sciences, published them in the form of original texts and scientific commentaries. , special attention is paid to the introduction to the educational process and scientific turnover. Therefore, it is important to study the activities of the enlightener Abdurahman Sayyokh Tashkendi and his work "Me'yor ul-ahlak", as well as its introduction into moral sciences.

Keywords: "Al-Islah", enlightenment, enlightener, knowledge, publisher, travel magazine, "Meyar ul-ahlak", spirit, temptation, mental power, supernatural power, sexual power.
