Ashurova, M. (2021). METHODS OF STUDY FOR STUDENTS IN THE CREDIT-MODULE SYSTEM. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 2), 199-207.

Author: Ashurova, Maktuba

Annotation: The 21st century is a century of high technologies, and our modern youth is not only in line with the spirit of the times, but also in line with the development of the electronic world. Therefore, it requires a different approach to the process of educating the younger generation. The role of the teacher in the classroom is also changing. The teacher is now mainly a facilitator. It is time for teachers who want to keep pace with the times to be ready to bring any part of the lesson to life through information and communication technologies.

Keywords: Educational process, quality, control, credit module system, transfer, general sciences, e-textbooks, capacity.
