Author: Bazarova, Xolida Ergashevna
Annotation: In the article, the poems "Tabriz Daftari" and "Vahdat Kuyi" belonging to the work of Askar Mahkam, a well-known representative of modern Uzbek poetry, were analyzed according to the traditional characteristics of classical literature. The center of analysis is the development of the meaning of the words hilal, moon, mihrab, vali, used in the poems, as well as the use of the concept of "faith" in the works of Imam Bukhari, Yassavi, Navoi, the importance of this concept in the use of Askar Mahkam's poems. thought about its traditionality, harmony with the philosophical principles of the predecessors.
Keywords: Askar Makhkam, “Tabriz Daftari”, “Vahdat Kuyi”; concepts and words of mihrab, vali, faith, crescent, moon; hermeneutic analysis, philological and scientific analysis
Pages in journal: 185 - 190