Axmedov, J. A., Sabirov, Q. Z. E., Ermatov, S. Q., & Shamsiyev, J. K. O. G. L. (2021). TABIIY IPAKDAN TIKUV IPLARINI ISHLAB CHIQARISH. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(11), 476-486.

Author: Axmedov, Jahongir Adxamovich; Sabirov, Qо‘zivboy Erkinovich; Ermatov, Shavkat Qulmatovich; Shamsiyev, Jahongir Komil O’g’li

Annotation: This article provides an improved classification of the range of sewing threads from natural silk. The reduction in sewing technology to four yarns has improved the performance and durability of the yarn. It is also reported that the proposed new method reduces the first and second half twists and increases the relative tensile strength of sewing threads by 25% due to increasing the number of twists to 220 and 180 tw/m. The new technology developed was patented by an intellectual property agency for the invention

Keywords: sewing thread, stitch, fabric, twists, linear density, raw silk, raw material, rewinding, relative tensile strength, number of joints, shrinkage.
