Babakulov, А. S. (2021). YAGONA DARCHA TAMOYILI ASOSIDA DAVLAT XIZMATLARI KO ‘RSATISHNING MILLIY QONUNCHILIKDAGI AYRIM JIHATLARI VA XALQARO TAJRIBA. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 301-307.

Author: Babakulov, Аzamat Sotiboldiyevich

Annotation: The article examines the features of the provision of public services on the principle of "one window", the role of the Czech Republic and Brazil in reducing the number of redundant and unnecessary steps in this process by studying international experience, changing the way services are provided. are provided. The “one-stop shop” principle provides access to all types of services and access to information.

Keywords: Single Window, Center for Public Services, Electronic Government.
