
Author: Sharipov, Dilshodbek

Annotation: The purpose of this article is to describe conflict, one of the most important elements of a work of art and one of the most necessary elements for researching the inner and outer world of characters. The types of conflicts in the author's works of Uzbek literature and Khalid Husayni's "Running with the Wind" are proved based on the method of comparison. There are many places showing the conflict and its types in Khaled Husayni's "Running After the Wind". Along with the types of conflicts in the work of art, along with the types of conflicts in scientific literature, opinions were also made about other types based on the subject and composition of the novel. From the point of view of modern literary studies, there are views and examples of conflicts between a person and another person, nature, society, fate and other things.

Keywords: conflict, psychological, interpersonal, social, guilt and salvation, man and fate, dilemma, man and nature, bestseller, man and environment.

Pages in journal: 161 - 167
