Batyrova, R. M. (2022). ON THE TYPOLOGY OF CHARACTER IN IS TURGENEV’S STORY “HAMLET OF SHIGROVSKY UYEZD”. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(1), 491-496.

Author: Batyrova, Rano Makhkamovna

Annotation: In modern literary criticism, there is evidently a keen interest in the study of the typological category of characters, familiar to the Russian literature of the early to mid-19th century, but there is a genetic link between the heroes of the late century and their literary predecessors, which is the subject of the reflection of the author of this article. No culture, no literature lives an isolated life. The process of literary interaction, interpenetration, mutual enrichment is taking place continuously, and comprehending it is as important as studying Russian culture. In this aspect, the problem of character typology in I.S. Turgenev’s story “Hamlet of Shchigrov District” is relevant and scientifically promising.

Keywords: typology, hero, character, story, analysis.
