Baxtiyorova, O. (2021). XVIII-XIX ASR XORIJIY (RUS VA VENGER) MANBALARIDA XORZAM SHAHARLARINING TARIXIY-ETNOGRAFIK TAVSIFI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(8), 354-360.

Author: Baxtiyorova, Oltinoy

Annotation: This article covers the historical and ethnographic information in the works of foreign tourists and scientists about the life of the cities of the Khorezm oasis, in particular, the Khiva khanate in the XVIII-XIX centuries, the way of life of the population.

Keywords: Gladishev and Muravin, UNESCO, Khiva, Kungrad, Khojayli, Kipchak, Gurlan, Ambar, Chagatai, Shavat, Uyghur, Kat, Hazrati Pahlavon Mahmud, topographer GN Zelenin, Vamberi
