Baydadayev, I. S. (2021). HARBIY TA’LIM MUASSALARIDA YOSHLARNI MA’NAVIY TAHDIDLARGA QARSHI IMMUNITETINI KUCHAYTIRISH OMILLARI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 666-672.

Author: Baydadayev, Iskandar Shukrillayevich

Annotation: The article focuses on the issues of young people in military educational institutions to understand the essence of negative concepts such as "spiritual threat", "popular culture" and increase immunity against it. The article also highlights the specifics of ideological prevention in military educational institutions to protect our youth from the influence of destructive ideas.

Keywords: military educational institutions, youth, "moral threat", military education, military education, destructive ideology, ideological immunity, security.
