
Author: Normuratova, Gavhar

Annotation: Today, when there are more social demands in front of the school, the teaching of biology should meet the requirements of socio-economic and scientific-technical development. At a time when biology education is focused on the practical direction, it is important for students to be able to connect biological phenomena with agriculture, biotechnology, environmental protection and other fields, and be able to apply them in life. It is important to use various educational tools to develop knowledge, skills and abilities in biology. Visualization is important among them. The purpose of writing this article is to highlight the effective methods of using educational films in biology classes today in the era of advanced science and technology and information technology. In the lessons, I aimed to make films not just a process of showing, but a process that creates a basis for learning, research, reflection, and practical application.

Keywords: video film, visual aids, educational material, physiological process, acquisition, comparison, activation, scientific material, repetition, generalization, didactic cards, announcer's explanation.

Pages in journal: 640 - 647
