Boboyeva, R. N. R. (2021). BOLALARDA TO ‘R PARDA KASALLIKLARINI DAVOLASH USULLARINI TAKOMILLASHTIRISH. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 27-32.

Author: Boboyeva Ra’no Raximovna

Annotation: In this study, the effectiveness of neuroprotective drugs (cortexin) and laser stimulation in the treatment of retinal diseases was determined. 40 patients aged 8-15 were examined at the Bukhara Regional Eye Hospital. In children, standard examinations were performed and divided into groups, and in the outpatient setting were used methods of lymphastimulation, laser stimulation. Pre-treatment and post-treatment outcomes were analyzed and treatment efficacy was assessed.

Keywords: Cortexin, laser stimulation, lymphastimulation, retinal dystrophy.
