Boltaboeva, H. H. Q. (2021). FITRATNING XORIJIY PUBLISISTIKASIDA IJTIMOIY-SIYOSIY MASALALARINING AKS ETISHI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 2), 130-139.

Author: Boltaboeva, Hulkaroy Hamidulla Qizi

Annotation: This article highlights the interpretation of Uzbek writer and scholar, statesman and public figure Abdurauf Fitrat’s articles, published in foreign newspapers and magazines, such as “Tarufimuslimin”, “Turk yurdu”, “Sirotu-l-mustaqiyim” (Istanbul), “Siroju-lakhboriAfgoniyya” (Kabul), “Ochikso’z” (Baku), “Shura” (Ufa). The socio-political, cultural and educational issues reflected in articles are analyzed in connection with the main events of his time. These articles were published in the Persian and the Turkish languages and the author translated them into Uzbek and published them in the current text.

Keywords: foreign, journalism, socio-political issues, Fitrat, Mehmet Akif, Bukhara news, education, culture.
