Boymetov, R. I., Abdulxayev, X. G. A., & Irgashev, J. G. (2022). QISHLOQ XO’JALIK EKINLARINI YETISHTIRISHDA SUG ‘ORISH SUVINI TEJAYDIGAN TEXNOLOGIYASI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(1), 315-322.

Author: Boymetov, Rustam Isayevich; Abdulxayev, Xurshed G‘afurovich;

Annotation: The article describes the economical agro-technical method of irrigating agricultural crops, ie its irrigation from the fields lined with film between the rows, as well as the design of the film-spreading machine and the effectiveness of this method of irrigation.

Keywords: polyethylene film, irrigation hoses, film spreader, film coating, gutter, profile roller, perforator.
