Bozorova, G. Z. (2021). ORTIQCHALIK TAMOYILINING JAHON TILSHUNOSLIGIDA ORGANILISHI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 945-951.

Author: Bozorova, Gulmira Zayniddinovna

Annotation: The article is devoted to the history of the study of the principle of redundancy in linguistics, which is based on repetition, and begins with a statement of the different views of ancient linguists on the phenomenon of pleonasm. Linguists' extensive research on pleonasm, as well as their conflicting views in some places, have also been noted

Keywords: principle of redundancy, pleonasm; tautology; pleonastic units; affixal pleonasms; phonetic redundancy; linguopragmatics.
