Butayev, T. X., Bektoshev, O. Q. O. G. L., Abdunabiyev, D. I. O. G. L., & Nilufar, E. (2021). ISSIQLIK ELEKTR STANTSIYALARIDA QOZONXONA AGREGATLARINING FOYDALI ISH KOEFFITSIYENTI OSHIRISH BO'YICHA TAVSIYALAR. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational,

Author: Butayev To‘xtasin, Bektoshev Oybek Qosimjon o‘g‘li, Abdunabiyev Dostonjon Ibroximjon o‘g‘li, Esonalieva Nilufar

Annotation: The article considers recommendations for increasing the efficiency of boiler units in thermal power plants. Mainly the method of combustion used in the furnace, the type of fuel, the use of the heat of combustion gases, the useful heat used in the preparation of water vapor, and the heat of the gases lost due to chemical incomplete combustion of fuel and exhaust gases from the boiler unit. Heat loss analysis in furnace barriers and convective gas pipelines was also considered. For this reason, in order to increase the efficiency of the boiler unit, research has been conducted from the point of view of the theory of thermodynamics, both from the point of view of structural design and from the point of view of ecology. The heat obtained as a result of fuel combustion is utilized and allocated to the lost ones.

Keywords: furnace, auxiliary structures, method of combustion, type of fuel, application of heat of combustion gases, processes of chemical incomplete combustion of fuel.
