
Author: Bazarova, Xolida Ergashevna

Annotation: The phenomena of traditionalism, followership, succession are studied in literary studies according to different aspects. Artists follow the poets who have lived before them, are influenced by the works that have aroused strong excitement and inspiration in them, and create similar examples. It is in this process that traditions arise; tatabbu', nazira arts are used, nadabiya, takhmis are written. It was not for nothing that Alisher Navoi emphasized the difficulty and responsibility of this work in artistic language, saying "it is like hitting a paw on a lion's paw". In the article, literary scholar, talented poetess Nadira Afokova, in her interpretations of Abdulhamid Cholpan's poems, commented on the art of writing, the expression of tradition and inheritance characteristic of classical poetry in them. The poetic features of verses written on the poems of Abdulhamid Cholpon, the impact of the verse creation process on the weight or genre were studied, and research was conducted according to scientific and hermeneutic methods. Also, to what extent the idea expressed by the predecessor was expressed in the work of the successor, the artist's artistry and skills were assessed.

Keywords: tatabbu', nazira, traditionalism, takhmis; aruz, hazaj and ramal seas; ghazal, tabi khud muhammas; finger weight, rhyme, radif; metaphor is a means of artistic representation.

Pages in journal: 33 - 50
