Choriyev, B. T. R. (2022). O ‘ZBEKISTONDA ELEKTRON TIJORATNING HUQUQIY ASOSLARINI TAKOMILLASHTIRISH. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(3), 227-236.

Author: Choriyev, Bahrom To‘rayevich

Annotation: This article analyzes the regulatory legal acts regulating e-commerce relations in the Republic of Uzbekistan. In addition, the legal situation and prospects for the development of these relations within the framework of the Central Asian states were considered. In addition, the necessity of regulating e-commerce relations in Uzbekistan, problems and shortcomings in this area are analyzed. As a result of these analyses, a number of recommendations and recommendations were developed to improve the legal framework of e-commerce in Uzbekistan.

Keywords: e-commerce, e-commerce, e-pay, Uzbekistan, smart contracts, block chain technologies.
