
Author: Djumaev, R.Z.

Annotation: It is well known that since ancient times, mankind has believed and speculated that there would be an "end times" due to some kind of force, that destruction would occur, and that humanity would disappear from the face of the earth as a result. According to British statistics, there are more than 300 predictions on the subject. The most impressive of these are the lectures of the couple Donella and Denis Medous and Y. Randers. These scientists, using computer modeling, have developed scenarios of approximate options for human development in the 21st century, which have been described in the books Growth Limits (1972) [1] and Beyond Growth Limits (1992). The book contains 13 scenarios, intended to show the relationship between industrial and food production, environmental pollution, the increase of pandemics and environmental disasters, the world's population (the environment of the world in general), on the other hand there also described the “material standard of living” of the world's population in periods (life expectancy, volume of consumer goods production, services and products per capita). Many scholars and experts, politicians and government officials who have left their mark on world history thought about the concept of “progress”. Most of them supported the idea of "progress" only with the meaning of "from bottom to up". One of them described the highest peak of progress as "Chinese communism", while another one called it "Western democracy". This one-sided explanation is reflected in the theory called "five formations" (as primitive, slavery, feudalism, capitalism and communism or western democracy). It has been emphasized that all nations must go through these formations. But in the development of some countries some of the five formations may not be observed, i.e. they may choose a completely different path of development. At the current stage of global change and global development humanity is witnessing extremely complex and contradictory processes. In particular: first, the emergence of new states on the world map, the emergence of new opportunities that will serve the peaceful coexistence of mankind and the rise to a new stage of development; second, the emergence of ideological trends that hinder secular development, undermine democratic development and threaten the unity of mankind; third, the process of globalization is marked by the penetration to all spheres of society. All of these changes provide an opportunity to examine stereotypes about global development. To the traditional problems that humanity has not yet found a solution to on the one hand; on the other hand, it remains surrounded by new threats and dangers (pandemics, environmental and economic crises and etc.) that have recently emerged. Therefore, we need to find answers to the following questions that concern us all: first, in this regard what measures should scientists and politicians develop and implement? second, in what direction should the solution of these problems be sought? third, given the fact that these problems are related to objective factors, what role does human thinking play in solving them? fourth, is it possible to completely eliminate mentioned problems? fifth, does humanity have the opportunity to live in a time without threat? Building a peaceful and prosperous life depends on the extent to which we answer these questions. This depends, first of all, on the extent to which the human mind perceives these problems, to what extent they can threaten humanity if people do not find a solution, and, finally, to what extent the approach to the issue meets the requirements of the time.

Keywords: development, socio-political change, society, positive tendendcies, negative tendencies, political technologies, global change.
